Published in my favorite magazine?! It’s true.

I am super excited to announce that I have been published in the Summer 2022 issue of Willow and Sage!

When I started sharing the recipes for natural products I use on my family - and eventually making them for you and your families - I couldn’t have dreamed of something like this. Willow and Sage is my favorite publication. No joke. I was humbled, thrilled and nervous when they reached out to see if I’d be interested. And of course… I was! So I submitted a DIY recipe for a nourishing lavender salve that is perfect for dry skin. This is a version of what I sell in my SHOP and is one of the best sellers. When I heard they selected my recipe I didn’t believe it at first…

I’m forever grateful for Heather Seasick of Pantry Potions showing me it could be done. If you haven’t seen her work, check her out on Instagram. Her content has so much substance, feel and beauty.

What makes this just a bit more special to me is that I shot the featured photo on my iPhone in the midst of running after an 18-month old and 4 year old. I hope this serves as a reminder to all of you, as it does to me, to share your creations and passions, no matter what stage you are in. I won’t lie, I didn’t feel my work was good enough to be selected. I stressed over it for weeks. But with the incredible support of my sister Emily, I was able to submit my work. I’m forever grateful for her incredible ability to show me that I am fully capable and her love.

Thank you to #willowandsagemag , and to those of you who have purchased from my small business and made this moment possible. Also, a special shout out to my friend Greg and his wife for sending me the beautiful wooden box in the image below. Your kindness and support is such a gift.

If you’d like to purchase a copy of the magazine, either hard copy or digital, you can do so HERE.


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Mustard Herbal Soak Recipe