What is an Aromatherapy Inhaler?

I recently received a really good question that I thought was important to highlight. A customer reached out and asked; “What exactly is an aromatherapy inhaler and how do I use it?! Do I breathe it in through my mouth? I hope this isn’t a silly question.” I am here to tell you the question is not silly at all! There are so many types of inhalers out there to treat different things, things can be confusing.

Inhaling essential oils is a form of aromatic use. This is one of the SAFEST ways to use oils, and one of the most under appreciated in my opinion. I have written about the different routes of absorption in an earlier post, Essential Oil Safety if you’d like the drive a bit deeper. I discuss what happens when the molecules of the oils enter your olfactory system and how they stimulate the brain.

But to keep it simple, aromatherapy inhalers are portable, customized tubes that contain a cotton wick and a lid. On the wick is your chosen blend of essential oils to support whatever your body may need. This can range from stress reduction, allergies to sleep support. The possibilities here are endless and the best part? They last a few months! To use them, you would simply take the lid off, bring the inhaler to one nostril while closing the other gently. Here you’ll inhale deeply and then do the same on the other side. You can use these as needed.

Blends can be make for adults and children alike. I offer many options in my shop if you’re looking for high quality and effective inhalers. I make them fresh to order. You can also make them yourself keeping a few things in mind. Not all oils are safe for inhalation. Some can be irritating. Some oils can be contraindicated to those with asthma and serious allergies. Be careful with dosage. Too much of some oils can cause headaches, dizziness and irritate the membranes of the nose and lungs. Please note that not all oils are appropriate for all people. It is important to factor in the type and amount of oil used when dealing with children and the elderly. Typically they need less than your average adult.

Additionally it is important to note that using oils aromatically is the FASTEST way to get oils into the body. Inhaling oils sends them directly to the respiratory system, and in to the bloodstream. This is one reason certain essential oils can help treat respiratory conditions!

Notes: Benefits of Aromatic Use/Inhalation

Very quick absorption in to the blood stream.
Direct effect on infection within the respiratory system.
Direct effect on congestion within the respiratory system.
Direct effect on the Central Nervous System (CNS).

Ready to try an inhaler? Be sure to stop by the shop.




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