Seed Your Goals


I have always believed that I could never keep a plant alive, let alone start a garden. The truth is, I simply wasn’t at a point in my life where I was interested enough to drive the desire. Of course I can keep houseplants alive and I’ll bet I can get a decent little garden to grow.

The desire started out simple enough. It grew in part because as a military family we move every few years. We make home wherever we are. That is something I pride myself at. I am also good at it. However there are always things that I am not able to do or didn’t seem worth it because we would just pick up and move eventually. A garden was one of those things. If you know me, you know that I don’t like to be told I can’t.

As time has gone on however, I continue to realize that we don’t have an end date for the military. Yes, even at 18 years in we aren’t sure when my husband will be ready to retire. To be honest, I just got tired of waiting. So this time, I asked the landlord if I could plant in the yard. They gave me the green light and I started to dig in, literally.

I have a million books on gardening and there is so much to know. I am kind of jumping in and learning from said books and social media but also a bit of trial by fire. It feels a bit chaotic but also very necessary. We’ve seen in the past year how volatile people can be when confronted with the unknown. It is unsettling at best. So while I am far from being a doomsday prep sort, it couldn’t hurt to know how to grow food right? It also couldn’t hurt to teach and involve my children. I remember my Mom’s gardens when I was young. I loved them.

If I can learn how to do this, maybe the next house I can do more. With that ability I may even be able to provide for people who could use the support. Ultimately the goal has grown from an itch of wanting to go back to basics, grow my own herbs and flowers for aromatherapy products, to having the dream of being able to help others on a larger scale.

A few of the things we have done so far:

We have recently built a 4 tier shelf and installed grow lights for a garden garage.

I also bought a small greenhouse that is working wonderfully as the weather warms up!

I signed up for a rain barrel class in 2019 where we built a barrel. Yep, we brought it from VA to CA and it is finally installed!

My husband built a raised garden bed and we recently started a few veggies.

I started seeds from my Survival Garden set as well as seeds from Mountain Rose Herbs for all of the flowers and herbs I’d love to learn to grow!

There is much to do and learn, but I have to say, it is so fulfilling to wake up and get to work. My kids love to be outside with me while I putter around with a million ideas racing through my mind. It is joy in its simplest form and I am grateful to my husband for jumping right in to help and support. It feels right to seed my goals. It feels hopeful don’t you think?

Blessed be.


California Dreaming


Continuing to Learn