Continuing to Learn


This year has started out slowly for me. There were so many big goals I had set for the month of January for my shop, new products and social media. However, that was all quickly derailed when Covid managed to find its way in to our household, for we think, a second time. Everyone is fine and extremely grateful that we managed to eek by. But as you can imagine, with two children under 4 it was a challenging time. Needless to say my focus was needed elsewhere. And while the anxiety of the situation was real and at times intense, there were lessons to be learned and moments forcing me to realize that my passion for health and wellness is real and warranted.

My continuing education in herbalism, aromatherapy, massage therapy etc. has provided me with a unique opportunity to support my family in ways that I only dreamt about a few years ago. I’ve always wanted to have herbs and oils on hand as well as the knowledge of how to use them to care for my family when situations arise. This time, I was prepared. Almost exhaustingly so. Because Covid is a novel virus, we most definitely followed protocols that doctors have recommended for home care such as: zinc, Mucinex, and other pharmaceuticals. We did so diligently, because, you know, science.

Additionally I was able to provide support for the body through a lot of different techniques. Herbs, tinctures, Chinese medicine, folk medicine, different cultural practices, you name it, we were doing it. I was able to address moments where a sore throat was worsening, where stress felt unbearable, when we needed to support the lungs and when exhaustion set in. It was incredibly empowering to know that I could at least provide some relief to my ‘patient’. All of this is just to say, that I will always continue to learn. There is so much value in this work.

So while I want to jump in to creating satisfying social media images, write, work on building my apothecary products, establishing my massage therapy practice etc., I am very much being called to honor the slow start to the year. Reading the 20 or so books I have started is where I want to really focus. Maybe just one book at a time. My intention is to build things organically and with attention to detail. My products are tested on friends and family before I list them in the shop. I want the feedback. It also allows me to not feel so pressured to produce. Like you, I am balancing all of the things.

Before I finish up here, a bit of information on continuing education. I recently completed the Introductory Herbal Course from The Herbal Academy and it was beautifully done and far more in depth than other courses I have taken. It is self paced and approachable. If you’re interested in learning more I would highly recommend it. If you’re on a tighter budget I adore April Graham of She is of the Woods. She teaches you SO MANY things and for free. You can find her on YouTube and Instagram.

Sending you all of the good energy and Blessed Be,


Seed Your Goals


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