Your First Massage Therapy Visit

When You Arrive

Please arrive a few minutes early to your appointment so you can feel relaxed and not in a rush. I recommend arriving 10 minutes early for your first massage appointment. If you have any coupons or special offers, please let me know when you arrive. Now is also a great time to use the restroom before we begin.

Meeting your Massage Therapist

Please wait in the waiting room and I will come out to greet you and take you back to the treatment room.

In the privacy of the treatment room, you and I will go over your intake form and reasons for seeking massage therapy. Your massage therapist will ask you questions to customize your session to meet your specific needs and preferences.  You will have the opportunity to discuss any concerns or to ask any questions you may have about massage therapy.  We will briefly go over a plan for your massage therapy session.  If you have any questions, feel free to speak up. 

When you are ready, I will exit the room to allow you privacy to undress or change and get comfortable on the massage table. You may prefer to completely disrobe or remain partially clothed.  Get comfortable on the massage table underneath the top sheet and blanket.  If any adjustments need to be made to the bolsters or face cradle, your massage therapist can help you when they come back in the room.

During Your Massage

After about 3-5 minutes, I will knock on the door and ask permission to enter. 

Every massage therapist has a unique approach and technique. I begin with relaxing massage techniques to allow the body a moment to settle. From there I focus on more specific areas of tension. I will periodically ask for feedback on pressure or techniques, and may gently move your limbs or make requests through out the session.

You should expect to be comfortable and relaxed during your massage.  If you experience any pain or discomfort at any time, let me know right away.  Speak up if the pressure needs adjusting please, you can’t offend me.

Communicate with Your Therapist

Effective communication with your massage therapist is crucial for ensuring that you get the most out of your session. By discussing your comfort levels, any specific areas of tension, and your overall health conditions, you help your therapist tailor the treatment to your individual needs. For example, if you’re experiencing a lot of discomfort in a particular area, letting your therapist know allows them to adjust their technique or focus on that area more thoroughly. On the other hand, if something feels too intense or uncomfortable, speaking up ensures that they can make necessary adjustments to avoid causing you pain.

Moreover, communication enhances the overall effectiveness of the massage. When you provide feedback, your therapist can modify their approach in real-time, which helps in addressing your specific concerns more effectively. This open dialogue also builds a trusting relationship, making it easier for you to express any concerns or preferences. Ultimately, good communication ensures that the massage experience is not only more comfortable but also more beneficial, aligning the treatment with your wellness goals and enhancing your overall satisfaction.

Concluding the Massage

At the end of your massage session, take a few moments to gently transition back to your daily routine. Slowly rise from the table, allowing yourself a moment to reorient and avoid any dizziness. When ready, open the door a bit so your massage therapist knows to come back in. This is a good time to express your feedback to the therapist about what you enjoyed and any adjustments you might need for future sessions. Drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins released during the massage and stay hydrated. If you’re feeling relaxed and rejuvenated, try to maintain this sense of calm by avoiding strenuous activities immediately after. Taking a few minutes for yourself to reflect on the session and gradually ease back into your day can help prolong the benefits of the massage and enhance your overall well-being.

Checking Out

Once you are finished giving your massage therapist feedback, we can check out in the treatment room.  

​If you would like to leave a tip, simply add the gratuity at checkout or leave your therapist cash. Tipping is neither required nor expected, but of course we appreciate the gesture! However, the best appreciation you can show is by referring your friends and family to us and writing a review to let everyone know about your great massage! 

Now is also a good time to schedule your next massage appointment or sign up for a monthly membership!

Still have questions about getting a massage?

For more answers to commonly asked questions about massage, visit the Frequently Asked Questions about massage therapy.


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