All Purpose Salve - A First Aid Kit Must Have

Herbal salves are not new on the scene. In fact you can find them from many Herbalists, Artisians and Aromatherapists, including my own version. And that is the beauty of nature… There are so many ways to utilize the gifts that we often mistake for weeds around us.

As the Mom of two young children, I can’t tell you just how much my All Purpose salve continues to come in handy. I keep some in my car, my purse and around the house of course.

Salves are so simple to use, and quite simple to make, but they make all of the difference in the moment you need them most.

When creating my salve I wanted to choose herbs best known for their soothing. anti-inflammatory properties. Especially when dealing with acute issues. I also wanted to choose plants and carrier oils that are well researched for their safety as well as cell regenerative properties. You can easily make an all purpose salve for yourself, but if you’d rather purchase that makes sense to me! I am all about efficiency.

This All Purpose Salve contains no essential oils because they can be too potent and even irritating to acute injuries, especially on broken skin. So instead, like I always do, I infused my jojoba oil with the following herbs:

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
”No first aid kit is complete without yarrow for its antimicrobial, styptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, and vulnerary actions. Yarrow’s unique blend of properties makes it ideal for warding off infection, stopping blood flow, and reducing swelling and pain in wounds.” -The Herbal Academy

Plantain (Plantago spp.) leaf
”Plantain is a must-have for any herbal first aid kit for its use in bites, stings, cuts, and scrapes, as well as to help to draw out slivers, splinters, and stingers.” -The Herbal Academy

Arnica (Arnica Montana)
”With natural anti-inflammatory properties, Arnica Flowers Oil can reduce swelling and can be especially soothing to sprains, strains and sports injuries. Also a natural pain reliever.” -Indigo Herbs

Calendula (Calendula officinalis)
Calendula (aka Marigold) is a wonderful anti-inflammatory and is great for sun burn, eczema or heat rash.

Curious on how to make your own salve? Here is a great blog post for Mountain Rose Herbs that will walk you though it. If you’re looking for an all natural solutions to those bumps and bruises, go ahead and visit my shop for this salve and so much more.

In good health,



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